Enrollment Open for MSU Online Geography (onGEO) Professional Certificate Courses

June 15, 2022

onGEO Professional Certificate Courses start June 27

Enrollment is now open for the Online Geography (onGEO) Professional Certificate Program offered by the Department of Geography, Environment, and Spatial Sciences at Michigan State University. These 7-week, non-credit professional development courses can be taken individually or in combination (4) to earn a Professional GIS Certificate. This certificate aims to advance the skillset of professionals currently working in fields that use geospatial technologies. It is also an excellent opportunity for all professionals and others looking to revamp their current careers, earn continuing education or teaching credits, or simply further their education. See the list of available courses below or visit https://ongeo.msu.edu/certificates/index.html for more details.

We are pleased to announce the launch of our brand-new course in Digital Image Processing, written by Dr. David Lusch (Professor Emeritus in MSU-GEO and MSU-RS&GIS).

Session 422 (27 June to 12 August 2022)

IGT422: Introduction to Geospatial Technology

GIS422: Geographic Information Systems

CART422: Cartography

FAA422: FAA Part 107 Drone Test Prep & Beyond

Brand NEW: DIP422: Digital Image Processing