ESPP Distinguished Lecture Series: Dr. Jay Lund

Fri, October 27, 2023 12:00 PM at Lincoln Room, Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center

Jay Lund

ESPP and Civil & Environmental Engineering proudly present

Challenges and directions for water policy and engineering for the coming decades

by Dr. Jay Lund

Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of California – Davis. 

Time: 12:00 PM, Friday, October 27, 2023
Location: Lincoln Room, Kellogg Center


We live in challenging times and will have a challenging future.  This is especially true for water and environmental policy and management.  As if climate change were not enough, there are also major changes in technology (“artificial” intelligence, water treatment for wastewater reuse and even direct potable reuse, water quality and biological sensors, water use efficiency, computer modeling, etc.), economic structure (more growth in sectors that use less water), demography, and political trends.  These changes altogether pose both challenges and opportunities for water and environmental management.

This talk will review these many challenges, and some opportunities that arise from them.  Some promising approaches for addressing these challenges are briefly discussed, as well as implications for how universities organize education and research for water and environmental engineering, policy, and management.  Some examples will be presented of water and environmental systems that have been more (and less) successful at adapting to changes.


Dr. Jay Lund is a Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Geography, Hydrology, and Environmental Policy and Management at the University of California – Davis.  He has long enjoyed teaching, research, and engagement on many aspects of theory and practice for water and environmental management, usually trying to integrating economics and operations research with traditional engineering. 

He has a B.A. in International Relations and Regional Planning from the University of Delaware (1979) and a BS in Civil Engineering, MA in Geography, and PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of Washington (Seattle).  He has advised over 150 graduate students and has over 400 publications and reports.

Dr. Lund's talk is part of the ESPP Fall Student Research Symposium. You can attend only Dr. Lund's talk during lunch (lunch will be provided) or the entire Student Research Symposium.   Please use the link below to RSVP and indicate which sessions you will attend.  

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