CGCEO Seminar | The Great Urban Transition: Landscape and Environmental Changes from Siberia, Shanghai to Saigon | Dr. Peilei Fan

Wed, April 6, 2022 at Virtual

Peilei FanJoin CGCEO on Wednesday, April 6, 2022, at 1:00 PM for our next session of the CGCEO Research Seminar Series as they welcome CGCEO Interim Director Dr. Peilei Fan.


The Great Urban Transition: Landscape and Environmental Changes from Siberia, Shanghai, to Saigon


This talk is based on Dr. Fan's forthcoming book (Springer Nature), which examines the (sub)urbanization process of seven transitional economies in Southeast, East, and North Asia (SENA), i.e., Siberia of Russia in North Asia, China, and Mongolia in East Asia, and Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, and Vietnam in Southeast Asia. Great urban transformation that occurred in SENA is discussed, as well as the transitional period which aggravated urban environments in SENA cities and how 'institutional shift, enabled by movements of urban residents and transitional urban governance, may facilitate the process and improve the urban environmental condition. This research includes land cover and land use data derived from satellite images over the past thirty years and intensive field research in more than thirty cities exploring the rise of these great cities and their environmental challenges.  Unlike in western countries, the current urbanization process in Asian transitional economies is a hybrid product of market logic and state legacy and intervention, with these influences sometimes conflicting and at other times enhancing each other under intensified globalization.

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Flyer for CGCEO Seminar with Peilei Fan