QUIDDERS Talk: The Dynamics of Great Lakes Beach-Ridge Formation and Implications for Paleo-environmental Assessment of a Migrating Strandplain, SW Lake Michigan

Fri, September 16, 2022 4:00 PM at Geography Building 673 Auditorium Road, Room 126, East Lansing, MI 48824

Join the Quaternary Landscapes Research Group (QLRG) on Friday, September 16, 2022, at 4:00 PM, as Robin Mattheus of the Illinois State Geological Survey presents the next QUIDDERS talk entitled, "The Dynamics of Great Lakes Beach-Ridge Formation and Implications for Paleo-environmental Assessment of a Migrating Strandplain, SW Lake Michigan."

Quidders is a forum for talks and discussions on topics that relate to Quaternary landscapes in the Great Lakes region. And beyond. Quidders talks are designed to be 25-35 minutes in length, with questions to follow.

QLRG is an informal assemblage of geographers and colleagues working on research questions related to Quaternary landscapes in the Great Lakes regions, USA (and beyond). Learn more at https://project.geo.msu.edu/qlrg/index.html.

Location: Geography Building, Room 126