Quidders Talk: Base Level Fluctuations on the River Raisin and the Huron River 16,800 – 6,000 years ago: Some Fluvial Geomorphic Musings

Fri, December 3, 2021 4:00 PM at Geography Building, Rm 126

Join the Quaternary Landscapes Research Group (QLRG) on Friday, December 3, 2021, at 4:00 PM, as Professor Emeritus David Lusch presents the next Quidders talk entitled, “Base Level Fluctuations on the River Raisin and the Huron River 16,800 – 6,000 years ago: Some Fluvial Geomorphic Musings.”

The Quaternary Landscapes Research Group (QLRG) at MSU sponsors informal, research-related talks in the Department of Geography. These presentations are called "Quidders Talks" for the Quaternary Discussion Group. QLRG is an informal assemblage of geographers and our colleagues working on research questions related to Quaternary landscapes in the Great Lakes regions, USA (and beyond). Learn more at https://project.geo.msu.edu/qlrg/index.html.


Geography Building 673 Auditorium Road, Room 126, East Lansing, MI 48824