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Arika Ligmann-Zielinska Department of Geography 673 Auditorium Rd, rm 121 Michigan State University East Lansing, 48824-1117

ligmannz (at)


Ligmann-Zielinska A, Jankowski P, (2014) Spatially-explicit integrated uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of criteria weights in multicriteria land suitability evaluation, Environmental Modelling & Software, 57, 235-247 (reprint)

Ligmann-Zielinska A (2013) Spatially-Explicit Sensitivity Analysis of an Agent-Based Model of Land Use Change, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Special Issue on land change modelling: moving beyond projections, 27 (9), 1764-81 (reprint)

Ligmann-Zielinska A, Sun L, (2010) Applying time-dependent variance-based global sensitivity analysis to represent the dynamics of an agent-based model of land use change, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 24 (12), 1829-50 (reprint)

Ligmann-Zielinska A, Jankowski P, (2010) Exploring Normative Scenarios of Land Use Development Decisions with an Agent-Based Simulation Laboratory, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 34 (5), 409-23 (reprint)


Ligmann-Zielinska A, et al. (2014) Multiscale Spatial Sensitivity Analysis for Agent-Based Modelling of Coupled Landscape and Aquatic Systems, In: Ames, D.P., Quinn, N.W.T., Rizzoli, A.E. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, June 15-19, San Diego, CA, USA. (available here)

Ligmann-Zielinska A (2014) Yet another MAUP: how agent-based model sensitivity is space-dependent, Proceedings 11th International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, July 8-11, 2014, pp.118-122 (reprint)

Ligmann-Zielinska A, Jankowski P, Watkins J, (2012) Spatial Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis for Multiple Criteria Land Suitability Evaluation. Extended Abstract, 7th International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Columbus, OH, USA, September 18-21, 2012 (available here)

Ligmann-Zielinska A, Sun L, (2010) Time Dependent Variance-Based Sensitivity Analysis of Development Aggregation Generated by Heterogeneous Land Use Agents, Proceedings The 9th International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, Publisher: University of Leicester, pp. 101-104 (reprint)

Ligmann-Zielinska A, Jankowski P, (2008) A Framework for Sensitivity Analysis in Spatial Multiple Criteria Evaluation, in: GIScience 2008, LNCS 5266, T.J. Cova et al. (Eds.), Springer-Verlag Berlin, 217-33 (reprint)


O'Neil G, Ligmann-Zielinska A, (2013) Using Regression-Based Sensitivity Analysis in Exploratory Modeling of Complex Spatial Systems: An Example of Simulating the Impact of Agricultural Water Withdrawals on Fish Habitat, paper presented at AAG Annual Meeting, Los Angeles CA, April 9-13, 2013 (presentation)

Ligmann-Zielinska A, et al.(2012) Sensitivity analysis in agent-based models of socio-ecological systems: an example in agricultural land conservation for lake water quality improvement. Abstract presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, 3-7 Dec, 2012 (reprint)